is dew on a blossom,
a renegade color
in a wet flannel day.
is a silence
uttered in softer air
a tension
released into the sheets
or a breath
misplaced on your skin.
I saw you love me again.
jaws at ease
tender light
lying in the corners of the room.
dew gathered on my brow.
My Branch of Decay
I had an great aunt
she farted
like a slaughterhouse on an August afternoon.
great fetid velvet burps
neath miles of dander and dingy silk.
She had my great niece
she won the burping contest
as the Franklin County fair last May.
a mighty wonder of gaseous spew.
We have no hope
for little Bilious,
a duodenum challenged boy.
He prefers to carbon trade.
We took away his matches. |

Kiss of Silences
I staggered
stumbling to breathe
to reach your lips
to pull your heart
into my shattered ears.
You mumbled
pursed - clenching
a litany of silence,
their dark pouty kiss
breaking my heart,
sealing our tomb.

~ If you are Calling to report a Rape please press…
Surely call the police,
but call the medics for her heart.
call those that will mourn
for the tears of her loins,
that great renting of her spirit,
the mighty rip of her faith,
the great gash
that runs from her trust of the world.
Surely call the lawyers and councilmen,
the street Captains,
but also the boyfriends,
the husbands,
the fathers,
the one’s that need
to catch her fall from their grace.
Call the counselors,
the seamstresses - the stitchers,
the healers, and the priests.
Most of all call her hero not victim,
call her martyr not statistic
nor casualty of time and place.
the quiet
first pause…
lake to sky
breath to reflection
chaos still pregnant
in the black green hiss.
the birth
as a gasping of mimes.

sylvan nerves on a plane.
hectares of forests
dense patches of jungle
laid to tingling bare.
combination skin
pink skin
black skin
melanin rampant or absent
basal or squamous
endothelial - etherial
dewy, glowing
what great bags of vain dermis we are.

Both Sides Now
I wring pixels and serifs
from my left hemisphere
turning the vise
until the critic moans.
I grew up in a great plains house.
white clapboards
black shingles
brocade on the overstuffed chairs
ivy choking the living room walls,
a window seat in every room.
A cellar full of nooks and old grease
where I hammered rolls of caps
until my ears grew muddy,
deliciously concussed.
It held an attic of decades,
hulking steamer trunks
with great silver buckles
and moldy quilted drawers
that must stick at all times.
I’d wring echoes and music
from my right hemisphere.
I turned up the cranial volume
to drown out their venom,
the doors slamming
the rattles on the walls.
I was Wild Thing.
I was Great Balls of Fire.
as a kestrel
talons honed
on diatoms and slate,
you savor the prey in me.
I surrender it,
proffering it piece by piece,
the darkest meat,
the closest to the bone.
as you plummet
every juice at full heat
I split you… mid-flight,
pinning your wings
neck snapped back
tail arched in compliance…
useless at the base of our cage. |

Passion lives in the cracks of the floors
in the overstuffed chair
that holds the scent
the detritus
of time and skin.
It lives in the light
that spilt from the opening door
where footsteps lingered,
crunches on gravel,
the trail to the post.
on the trail back in.
the path across her sad gray eyes.